Selling Selling [WEST] 29k Evie Account w/ three +15 Weapons

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Confidential, 6/24/17.

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  1. Confidential

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    481 Titles
    Maxed AP skills with 32k in storage & Most TP skills maxed
    Path Paladin w/ 2nd Transformation
    Max Tailoring Proficiency
    Rank 35
    Power 42,364
    Tech 209

    With Equipped Gear
    M.att 29,095
    Def 13,269
    Critical 125
    Additional Damage 3350
    Intelligence 3,592
    HP 7,598
    Stamina 242
    Balance 84
    Attack Spd 73

    4* +15 Braha Staff w/ 16k M.att; 71 Balance; 50 Critical; 45 Attack Spd. (Restored and Bound to Character)
    2* +15 Righteous Judgement Regina w/ 16.9k M.att; 73 Balance; 55 Critical; 56 Attack Spd. (Restored and Bound to Character)
    5* +15 Immoral Spirited Heremon w/ 15.3k M.att; 72 Balance; 52 Critical; 48 Attack Spd. (Restored and Bound to Character)

    Armor = Fully Enchanted Orange Regina Set (Level 90 Set)
    +6 Reinforced Echoing Gauntlets and Boots
    +6 Memorable Expeditionary Helm (fused to the Odd Eye) and Greaves
    +6 Temporal Stigma Mail

    2* Passion Innocent Tear
    4* Subdued Passion Amethyst Belt
    3* The Dead Passion ODM
    4* Crescent Moonlight's Passion CM Ring
    2* Starlight Passion Moonlight Sapphire Brooch
    Some Cheap Copper Bracelets
    Five PVP Artifacts
    Fast Passion Greater Mysterious Cat Statue
    Fast Passion Greater Bronze Lion Statue
    Fast Passion Werewolf Claw
    Greater Werewolf Claw
    Significant Passion Succubus Fang

    Avatar Sets~
    **Fully Dyed Black Special Butterfly Kissed Set** (Recent Gacha Event Avatar Set w/ Full Stats)
    Dyed White Oiran Avatar Set
    Dyed Special Steam Heroine Set (w/ Full Stats)
    Vampire Slayer Set (w/ Full Stats)
    Aurora Princess Set (Event Avatar Set)
    Cute Forsythia Mascot Set (Event Avatar)
    Field Set (Gacha Event Avatar w/ Partial Stats)

    7 Sets of Makeup & a Permanent Makeup Coupon
    5 Inners (Although Most of them were from when the game first launched and are kind of ugly)
    6 Sets of Hair (Mostly Light Blue and ^)
    Lots of 30 Day & 3 Day Hair and Inner Coupons (Like PAGES worth)
    Some Random Face/ Body Tattoos
    Cadet Badges
    LOTS of VIP & VVIP Capsules (including 3 day, 7 day, 30 day...)
    A lot of Shared Storage Coupons and Chest Expansion Coupons (Although ALL Chests are permanently unlocked anyway...)
    Some Random Dye Ampoules
    9 Armor Fusion Runes (Go Crazy)
    1 Premium Armor Fusion Rune
    4 Enhancement Runes
    1 Premium Enhancement Rune (In case you want a fourth +15 you know...)
    A lot of Merc Potions and Goddess Graces
    Some Blessings
    A couple hundred or thousand fishing rods??
    and around 17m gold LOL


    Please contact me by email at [email protected]
    I am hoping to complete the transaction through Paypal.
    I will not be available through Skype, only email.
    Will sell for $800 or take other offers, price is # ^^
    Pricing is set at $800 for buyout as one +15 Level 90 Weapon itself is usually around $400 on it's own.
    The Price seems to be fair, but I'm definitely willing to accept other offers from interest parties.

    I've been playing this game for around 5 or 6 years now and I'm pretty much just tired of it.
    Looking to sell my account pretty soon, within two weeks or so to a buyer whose interested in playing the game.
    I've definitely invested hundreds or thousands of dollars into this game since playing and would like to earn a small portion of it back by selling my account.
    It might also be worth mentioning that this account has pretty good luck from what I've experienced^^
    I haven't been playing much in the past year and most of my accessories are pretty outdated, but you can still easily take on any of the games content with my character's current stats.
    My name doesn't have any numbers or ugly symbols and might be quite familiar on the west server since I've been playing since close to beta.
    Despite this, I don't have many guilds or friends who would bother you much, should you purchase this account.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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