Selling HL account lv 12X discord: rinrin#6069 notable summons: 3s baha 3s titan 0s lucifer 0s zeus 56 SSr including 2 GW chara (sarasa/six) Notable Chara: Forte, SSR Kata, Rackam, Eugen, SS Naru, Rosetta Weapons: Dark Axe grid (1 4s gisla) most of a titan grid 4 4s Chev swords earth/water SSR seraph weapon 750 1/2 pots, 100 elixirs, 1100 berries, 5X Soup Balm Have 1 damascus bar and a few 300k exp codex Have most T4 classes, pm for more info, not going first, paypal only, will accept reasonable offers