Sold Selling 4000+ vit sader (luke raid ready) with spr set almost completed + more

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kstyle999, 6/23/17.

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  1. kstyle999

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    A lot of passion went into my account (mainly my sader), hope someone will take good care of it.

    Notable specifications on this account
    Sader - has legendary insignia +6 (vit/spr one) (untradeable clone rare set for bsader)
    Male striker - Enough for Anton raid (Berserk/par's golden grail/rosetta stone/swap set/adv avas)
    Female launcher - Savior autogun / untradeable clone rare set / 700 demon invites
    Knight - ready for new classes in the future / has avas/pet/title

    I have around 5-7m within the account

    Price is fixed at 500$ and I'll be accepting paypal only.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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