Selling Selling Selling Veteran backer account with 42000 UEC 6000 REC

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by hairycoconut, 6/22/17.

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  1. hairycoconut

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    Lots of UEC and REC and a ton of flair

    2943 Warbond, J-span cryo-star cooler, PREACHER ARMAMENT INQUISITION XXII GATLING, BB-12 manned maneuvering unit, Xi'an space plant, Engine tuning kit, Hadesian artiface, Explorer-class mobiglas rig,
    Takuetsu Prestige Khartu-Al Model, space globe - plentiful salvage, december 2014 backer reward, Omni role combat armor MK9, Uee towel, Jane fighting ships style manuel, Fishtank mark 1, Mystery engine modifier, Laser pistol side arm, gamescom 2943 hanager trophy
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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