Level 90 Account (Name Change Available) 1.75 M Credits 120,000 AP 7,000 Force Points 5* 4/7 Ki-Adi Mundi 16/31 AWK Yoda Saber 4/7 Finn 8/15 AWK Yoda Saber 4/7 Ani TCO 4/7 Maz Kanata Sk 40 Leia Sniper 4/7 Sk 40 JJBGS Evo 2+ Ani TCO Base Finn 4x Base Ani TCO 1X Base Boba 4* Notable (Have tons of other bases and emax) AWK Panaka SK 40 SCP 8/15 Barriss 4/7 Barriss Sk 40 Finn Sk 40 Jan Dodonna 3* Sk 40 Bail x2 Leia atk up Awk 16/31 Sk41 8/15 Ten Numb I have bases of most 4* and 3* in the game too many to list. There are also some locked 5* I did not list including C3P0 GG.
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