Sold Selling DOFUS- ECHO 200 LVL PANDAWA Decertified ! - FULL EQ !

Discussion in 'Dofus Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by AlevaPlayer, 6/19/17.

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  1. AlevaPlayer

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    200 lvl Pandawa ( chance )

    all Eq, stats, inventory can be seen:

    Account is decertified means: secret answer not setted, phone not setted, address can be changed so u can have acc on ur own infos.

    Char is guildmaster of ~58 lvl guild

    scroll 100 wis , 100 vit , 100 agi , 100 chance
    - Eq worth 60 mk
    ( 12ap , 4mp , 4072 hp , 1265 chance , 2889 initiative , 276 prospecting +4 range )
    added spellpoints, maged eq, 20 emotes + ornaments, in bank many mats and items, acc also got magical orb,
    resists : ( 11% neutral , 37% str , 19% int , 30% cha , 27% agi )
    Proffessions: 200 alchemist , 146 farmer , 117 miner , costumagus 85 , jewelmagus 34

    This char is good in pvp excellent in distance fight +4range, in rounds 2300 on one tour, got 2889 initiative so big chance to start round first. As of pvm panda got 276 prospecting so loot is nice

    pm me or skype:alevaplayer (online most of the time)
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