[Release] New Release Perfect Pasta Hook

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gnawd1998, 6/18/17.

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  1. gnawd1998

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    Hi I am a computer programmer just started to program different hacks for the CS GO community and this new # that I have released is 100% VAC undetectable because of the fact that I have embedded codes that'll take VAC ages to detect.

    PLEASE NOTE that wait for the game to be fully loaded before injecting the # into the game otherwise it'll crash.
    These are the following settings to make sure that the cheat and the injector will stay undetected for sure.

    Injection Options: Close on playerup and Stealth playerup
    Post playerup options: Tick both Erase PE and Hide Module.
    Make sure to have the following options in the (Untitled-1.jpeg in the download section) for scrambling options in the advanced button.

    *BEFORE INJECTION MAKE SURE TURN OFF ANY ANTI-VIRUS AND IN TOOLS PLEASE CLICK "START IN SECURE MODE" as it could prevent VAC from detecting the Injector. (Meaning before starting steam have the file and the extreme injector on and make sure to start it on secure mode as it could prevent any VAC automated detection.
    The injector I use is Extreme Injector V.3.7
    Please download and not try to be blatant as Overwatch can easily detect that humans are cheating.
    VAC and Overwatch bans are different therefore if you get a permanently untrusted then that means that Overwatch has banned your account.

    Good luck and happy #
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