Sold CP 517 account with morrowind. 450 USD

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Parad1s, 6/17/17.

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  1. Parad1s

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    - Any race, any alliance
    - Imperial City permanently unlocked
    - 1.4 mil gold
    - 2.5mil worth gear on guild store
    - Former Emperor title and emperor costume
    - Guild Bank (about 250 sets/mats in the bank)
    - Vast varierty of sets mostly focused on pvp
    - Monster Sets in all the good traits
    - Variety of costumes (both crowns store and game unlockable)
    - Rare pets including rewards for being subbed for first year
    - Stam DK tank gear worth 1mil
    - morrowind unlocked

    4 max level toons:
    1. Lv 50 Stamina Redguard DK
    - 258 skill points, all skills maxed out, AR 25, horse trained up, most crafting maxed out
    2. Lv 50 Stamina Redguard Sorc
    - 169 skill points, AR 20
    3. Lv 50 Magicka Dark Elf Templar
    - 90 skill points, most crafting maxed out
    4. Lv 50 imperial Nightblade
    - 155 skill points, AR 15
    5. Lv 40 Magicka Sorc

    All characters excluding Templar can be changed to magicka builds as they have all combat trees maxed level.

    For more info msg in private or add me on steam :

    CP 517
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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