Selling Selling Freelancer LTI package | Buccaner LTI | Lot of bonus | Dec 14 Backer !

Discussion in ' Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by idnoorist, 6/17/17.

  1. idnoorist

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    Selling my Star Citizen account! because i don't have the time to play this game.
    Played it for a few hours and is a great game, so many improvement in every update.
    However like i said, no time to actually play this due to my work and my family life therefore i am selling this account.
    i accept paypal (verified). I'm selling this Account for : $300 / pm me your best offer

    feel free to contact me :
    Email: [email protected]
    Discord: Noorigin#0005

    ! Link to pictures at the end of this post !

    Here's the details:
    handle name can be change once
    UEC ¤17,500 UEC REC ¤5,000 REC


    Digital Freelancer - LTI (upgraded to Freelancer MAX) ($140)
    Starting Money: 5,000 UEC
    Lifetime Insurance
    Digital Game Soundtrack
    Digital Star Map
    Digital Engineering Manual
    Legacy Alpha
    Squadron 42 Digital Download
    Star Citizen Digital Download
    Digital Star Citizen Manual

    Package - AMD Never Settle Space Edition ($50)
    (Upgraded to Reliant Core) ($10)
    Starting Money: 1,000 UEC
    2 Month Insurance
    Digital Star Citizen Manual
    Star Citizen Digital Download
    Squadron 42 Digital Download

    ================================================== ==============================


    Standalone Ship - Drake Buccaneer - LTI ($110)
    Drake Buccaneer Poster
    Takuetsu Buccaneer Model
    Lifetime Insurance
    VFG Industrial Hangar

    ================================================== ==============================


    Standalone Ship - Kruger P-72 Archimedes - LTI
    Contained Kruger P-72 Archimedes and 4 items

    Standalone Ship - Reliant Mini Hauler - LTI
    Standalone Ship - Reliant Mini Hauler - LTI - upgraded
    Contained Gladius and 4 items

    Standalone Ship - Kruger P-72 Archimedes - LTI
    Standalone Ship - Kruger P-72 Archimedes - LTI - upgraded
    Contained Avenger Titan and 4 items

    Ship Upgrades - Mustang Omega to Gamma Swap
    Contained Mustang Omega to Gamma Upgrade

    Ship Upgrades - P72 Archimedes to Avenger Upgrade
    Contained P72 Archimedes to Avenger Upgrade

    Standalone Ship - Aurora LX - Anniversary
    Standalone Ship - Aurora LX - Anniversary - upgraded
    Contained Avenger Stalker and 2 items

    Cross-Chassis Upgrades - Avenger to Mustang Delta Upgrade
    Contained Avenger to Mustang Delta Upgrade

    Standalone Ship - Aurora LX - Anniversary
    Standalone Ship - Aurora LX - Anniversary - upgraded
    Contained Mustang Beta and 2 items

    Ship Upgrades - Mustang Gamma to Delta Upgrade
    Contained Mustang Gamma to Delta Upgrade

    Standalone Ship - Drake Herald - LTI
    Contained Herald and 4 items

    Standalone Ship - Origin M50 Interceptor
    Contained M50 and 2 items

    Contained Avenger Stalker and 8 items

    Shut Up and Take My Money!
    Contained Shut Up and Take My Money! Skin

    You Got Our Backs (Electro Skin Hull)
    Contained Electro Skin Hull

    Freelancer MAX upgrade
    Contained Freelancer MAX Upgrade

    Aurora MR +
    Contained Aurora MR and 7 items

    ================================================== ==============================


    100M Reward - 2944 War Bond
    56M Reward - J-Span Cryo-Star Cooler
    55M Reward - Preacher Armament Inquisition XXII Gatling
    52M Reward - BB-12 Manned Maneuvering Unit
    49M Reward - Xi’An Space Plant
    47M Reward - Engine Tuning Kit
    45M Reward - Hadesian Artifact
    Christmas Reward!
    Holiday Wreath
    Space Globe - Glorious Moments
    December 2014 Backer Reward
    RSI Constellation poster

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. locothom

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    My Location:
    Hi ! Very interested but I can offer you $150.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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