Selling Selling NA SKYFORGE ACC 168m + prestige. alot of costumes from packs and mount.

Discussion in 'Skyforge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by VanguarDsz, 6/13/17.

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  1. VanguarDsz

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    Na skyforge account 168m+prestige

    1. A lot of costume bought on it from packs
    2. 6 specs
    3. A lot of mount including the goliath and pegasus
    4. Trophies are complete but i havent bough the recent added trophies
    5. The gears are gen 7 but 3 of them are gen 8 but once you fully max all the gears
    the prestige will increases up to 210m prestige.
    6. All characters unlocked
    7. Bastions are almost complete

    i invest a lot of money in this game so atleast get back some money from it.

    $350 CAD

    Reason for selling is im not gonna play it.

    Accept Paypal only
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