Sold Selling VoidElsword Account

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Arbuzes, 6/11/17.

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  1. Arbuzes

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    I'm leaving this game so there is my account sale.
    The account includes:

    -x10 99lv chars
    -14/17 character slots
    -more than 150 Resonance Level
    -3 full ibs (PK,RM and HNO), Red Qipao, 15 normal avatars for Ara and minimum 1 normal avatar for every character
    -Type Void weapon +10 stage 8 full S+ (for Ara), 3/4 heroic eq 20-27 with 10% for kite
    -Type Void weapon +8 stage 0 for Eve
    -2 full extended pages in every inventory tab


    if you're intrested in buying or you want more details about account join to my Discord server ( ) or leave another contact under this post.

    As for the price I think about 250€ but we can negotiate. (only PayPal)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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