Sold Selling OP Neverwinter/World of Tanks/GTA V Xbox One Account

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mrryancook, 6/6/17.

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  1. Mrryancook

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    After a lot of thinking I have decided to sell my OP WoT/Neverwinter/GTA V Xbox One Account.

    There is quite a bit to go through so I'll start with World of Tanks.

    World of Tanks:

    12x Tier 10s:

    T57 Heavy, T110E5, FV215b, FV215b 183, ConquerorGC, E 100, Maus, WT auf E100, B-C 25 t, Obj. 140, IS-7 & IS-4.

    All the Tier 10s have 1-3 Marks of Excellence & 7-15 perks/skills on each crew.

    3x Tier 9s:

    T30, M53/M55 & WT auf Pz. IV.

    7x Tier 8s(Which include 4 premium tanks):

    T95E2, AMX 13 90, AMX CDC, Motherland, Fatherland, ISU-152 & T-34-2.

    Also there is 15 other normal and premium tanks ranging from Tier 2-7.


    Ok so now its Neverwinter.


    My Neverwinter account has 5 max lvl 70s which are:

    Lvl 70 Greater Weapon Fighter,
    Lvl 70 Devoted Cleric,
    Lvl 70 Guardian Fighter,
    Lvl 70 Control Wizard &
    Lvl 70 Hunter Ranger.

    The Greater weapon fighter is the main character with almost every campaign complete & 1 artifact away from fully mythic and orange.he also had a seriously god like dps build which is unstoppable when used with the correct rotation (Which I will provide ;D). He has all perfect companions as well (Earth/Air/Fire Archons, Erines of Belial & Siege Master which are all epic apart from the fire archon which is legendary.

    The DC has a completely OP perma AA build which just needs the legacy snail to be utterly insane.

    The other 3 are fairly new 70s and are used as banks at the moment but they have a lot of potential but the guardian fighter has a legendary young yeti ;).

    All have epic mounts and the correct equipment sets.


    GTA V:

    I purchased GTA V online so it will be read for you to download.

    It has a character on it already with the tank and fighter jet already purchased and ready to call in.

    It also has the most expensive apartment and a zentorno fully uograded.


    There are several other free games which I've acquired over the 3 years I've played so they will be available to download too.


    So that's pretty much everything there is.

    I've had a few valuations ranging from $3000-$4000 but I'll be more than happy to take offers between $2000-$3000.

    My prefered payment method is PayPal but considering the amount of money involved I'd be more than happy to use Middleman its totally up to you.

    You can either reply to this post or email me at [email protected] if you ar interested or have any enquiries.

    Thanks for taking the time to read through everything and happy gaming!
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