WTB Gear

Discussion in 'Defiance Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jokur3, 6/6/17.

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  1. Jokur3

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    Looking to purchase a few items in US$

    Impact Shroud - Fire $5
    Bullet Eater - Rad $5
    Bullet Eater - Fire $5
    Ironhide -$10
    Guardian Angel $5
    Black Widow $5
    Lockstock $5
    Raven $5
    Chaos $5
    Devil's Advocate $5
    Wolfman $10
    Wishbone Splitter $5
    Turmoil $10
    Whispered Death $10
    Death's Kiss $20
    Revenant $10
    Security Blanket $15
    Dancer $5
    Prancer $10
    Hunger $5
    Azathoth $5
    Kindness GA $10
    Schrodinger $15
    Until Death $15
    Banshee GA $10
    Extermination Protocol $15
    Blooddawn $10
    Misanthrope $15
    Arboreal Massacre $10
    Life Insurance Policy $10
    Pancake GA $10
    Pestilence GA $10
    Mass Extinction $10
    Lethal Contaminate $10
    Decadence $15
    Acid Bath $10
    Sol Destroyer $20
    Mayhem Barrier $30
    Mobile Fortress $30
    Quantum Garrsion $30
    Celestial Wrath $20

    - - - Updated - - -

    Post below to work something out.
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  2. kitdjiaf

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    try alot more for a misanthrope many wasted hundreds getting them
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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