Sold [H] Amazon, Bitcoin, Cash, Circle Pay, Google Wallet, Ethereum, Paypal, Skrill, Square...

Discussion in 'Amazon Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/seeldoger47, 6/4/17.

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  1. /u/seeldoger47

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    Looking for a 2015 27" iMac. Technical specifications are flexible. I might consider buying a Macbook Pro 2016 and iPad Pro or Mini 4 if the price is right, but I'm not in a rush to buy them. If payment is sent via

    Amazon1, Bitcoin2, Circle Pay, Google Wallet, Ethereum2, Skrill, Square Cash, Venmo

    you will have to ship the item first, if payment is sent via PayPal, I will go first. I'm a moderator of r/UniversalScammerList and r/giftcardexchange, where I've completed nearly 600 trades.

    1 I will add 10% to the agreed upon price if you chose to receive Amazon gift card balance as payment.
    2 I use Gemini to send BTC/Ethereum, which charges a fee. I will buy the percentage listed in USD and send it to you, from which the feel will be deducted.

    # #/seeldoger47
    # .
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