Reposting as another thread since I didn't receive a response from the middleman for more than two weeks. Old link: Sold - USPS (PC) account for sale; main hero CR190/SP280+ | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. Selling off my main account due to loss of interest in game. Still has an active subscription till September (pre-paid yearly). Main character (hero) has CR190 (dps set+fully modded tank set) and more than 280 skill points. Has a lot of marketplace purchases including almost all episodes+ammenities and various style items including Batman's hood and the limited time emblem pack (WW/Sups/Bats), aura packs, expanded inventory and bank slots. Has claimed cosmic material and some other rare Time Capsule sets and collections. Alts include: Hero Earth tank CR170+ 250SP+ Hero Controller CR170+ 230SP+ Villain Rage tank CR170+ 150SP+ Has a few rare names as well. Contact me via KIK messaging app: Alliseeisbeige or Discord: Automata#1458 I'll forward a serious buyer to my personal email. Further conversations and accounts info will be sent via email for data logging (safety measure in case of attempted scamming). Payment via verified Paypal only. Can provide screenshots for full list of market purchases, feats, styles elc. Upon sale buyer will receive: A temporary email address and password to it (newly formed to link the Daybreak account and remove my personal one) Login info to the Daybreak account Security questions answer (used to change login data)