1. Start # and CSGO (any order) 2. Set your delay times. (can be changed on the fly) 3. press ALT to activate or deactive htt ps : // www . virustotal . com/en/file/e160a1688efc8f06ec352974310baca91214353e1385ca95ad 441069d204a57a/analysis/1496191008/ h tt p : // r . virscan . org/report/a76aa1a658011a39a22bfb1dbaefa832 h tt p : / / i . imgur . com / 9FWydPc.png Change Log Code: 1. added another thread for work so UI us still responsive 2. made delays adjustable 3. added "ALT" hotkey to start # Downloadable Files http://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/zip.gif trigger_mpgh.net.zip [Download and Thanks] (6.6 KB)