Selling CP 680+ Xbox NA ESO account 6 maxed characters

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by OnlyPoi, 5/31/17.

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  1. OnlyPoi

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    8 characters but my two reds are non vet.

    AD Stamblade Ganker
    [ master Light crafter. 9 trait 2h, bow, inferno, resto, daggers. 7 trait Swords, shields.
    Running 5 Alchemist, 5 viper or spriggans with 2 Veli. Wood elf, Vampire, 10 Mages Guild, Fighters Guild. ]

    AD Magblade VMA farmer & Bomber
    [ 50 Destro, resto, Dual Wield. Max Vamp. High Elf. Stormproof. Gold Julianos with 2 julianos swords if u want. Running Vicious Death, Julianos, burning spellweave, Spinners. Whichever u like. With Grothdarr H&S. Run every trial on her except for the first two bosses in Maw. Easy Maelstrom or VDSA farm. As well as xp farmer. My Top Tier Trials and PVE character with infallible Jewelry gold and head and shoulders infal ]

    AD Mag DK
    [ Tanked every trial except first two bosses in Maw as well as VDSA including PVP while it was a stam DK. Race changed to Dark Elf. Running Burning Spell and Sun for pvp. Duelist title. 50 Destro resto one hand and shield. My favorite PVP character]

    DC MagPlar
    [ Healed every trial and DPS'ed trials and can heal or tank VDSA. Fasallas Guile with plague doctor for blazing shield build or just # gear for magplar pvp. Has 5 twilight remedy as well. Stormproof]

    [ Can run S&B, dw, 2h and started leveling bow. My second favorite PVP character. Spriggans and alchemist or hundings or shield breaker. Also have ravaging for him.]

    DC StamBlade
    [Pretty generic. Just vetted him out. 2h/Bow build.]

    Then I started two red toons. A Mag dk and a Mag blade bomber.

    I have VMA Inferno, Ice, and Lightning staffs. As well as VMA Bow. I also have Master Inferno staff. IA Jewelry and resto and most BEST IN SLOT gear for just about everything. I have all Monster helms and shoulders. As well as most ALL of the Good Costumes. I have all the personalities except the lame ones. Banker included.
    I also have way too many mounts an max speed on my Ganker and decent speed on like 2 others. I got all the good mounts lol

    Games Downloaded:

    GTA V
    7 Days to Die
    Call of duty Ghosts
    Call of Duty Modern Warfare
    Tomb Raider Game
    Battlefield Hardline

    Got Ranks on every cod game and I also play some OverWatch.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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