Sold Selling Lv.56 Rose with Original Costumes/Armors

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zachary Miller, 5/30/17.

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  1. Zachary Miller

    Zachary Miller
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    Price $:
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    Name: ShinyCarrot
    Pet - Carrot
    First Rose's Promotion Costume
    Rose's Spa Robe
    19 Accessories
    Almost full set of sparring gear and the beginner gear (IDK why I kept it)
    Job one promotion and skill cube
    Hot Spring Sit
    Magic Necklace Costume
    Available but unchosen profession
    AsuraHeavy Barrel Job
    (Bonus) 12 Sealed Weapons for other characters

    Email me @ [email protected] if interested in buying or need more details (using Paypal)

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