-4* Chars include: MLB 100 Alice V1, Maidsuna, 90 SD Leafa, CL Sinon, Psilica, Sailor Philia, Suguha, ALO Leafa. There's a wide variety of different elements so you can easily be prepared for elemental banner rankings and multi elemental raids. Earlier on when OS was first released everyone overhyped the hell out of it but nowadays it's about having the right element for the ranking banner. In terms of Raid events, even Sailor Philia alone would carry crazy hard; fast mana regen, unkillable due to the instant heal and high dps with her bow. -4* Weps include: Alice Sword, Repent, Sailor Philia Bow, Princess Yuuki Staff, Cheer Rapier, Ice Blade, Yuna Sword. -Account made from the beginning of the game; includes all useful armour, accessories and all free 4*s from just before OS til now. -Raid event cleared i.e you have a 3% atk buff for all party members on your title. -Out of the 8 ranking events so far, 1st has been attained 4 times, 2nd 2 times and 3rd once so there's your proof that it's good enough to compete at the top! Pretty much shows there's no need to whale and that you can easily beat them with this account without spending hundreds. -Multitude of crystals, keys, medallions, stardust, memory fragment, rainbow essence, rainbow candy box, SD medallions, 77 # crystals and 50 SD # crystals, so you can quickly max new chars and get 5* armour. -Price #. If you want to buy via non money methods e.g steam gift card or something like that I'm all ears. -Comment/PM and I'll provide any proof to back up all of the above. I'm just too lazy to upload it all if no one's gonna look at it is all. -I will be playing until this account is sold and likely rolling for new banners; ofc I'll update when/if I get them.
Er, I dont really know why the hell I typed 'Raid playerup', thats supposed to say 'raid events'. Mb lol.
I'll put a time limit of a week left now on this; I can barely be bothered to keep playing much longer and if there's been no solid purchase requests by then it's unlikely it'll ever sell anyway, and I'm too lazy to carry on checking. So if you're at all interested, you have until the 2nd of June to decide. Again, if you have literally any miniscule amount of interest or want to ask something, fire away.
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