Sold Selling Selling whole neverwinter account with 14 characters 12 on level 70

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Paul2017, 5/26/17.

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  1. Paul2017

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    I'm selling my PC neverwinter account . I have 5 main characters with most boons completed except 2 tyranny of dragons last 2 boons, cloaked ascendancy and storm king campaign.

    I attach you a link where you could detailed see what have those 5 mains:

    The other 7 characters including 5 mains (12 characters) can farm 20000 astral diamonds per day which it means 240.000 astral diamonds per day and also have in mind celestial enchantment coffers for coalesced wards.

    4 of 5 mains are using lesser soulforged and gwf is using perfect fireburst.

    I joined vip program and I have 216 lockboxes keys and I still can gather more keys. I don't count epic dungeon keys which stores 1 per character. I also have zen shop mounts that are claimable for all characters in account (white tiger and yeth hound)

    This is shared bank account info:

    99 mark of potency
    34 mark of potency
    Rod of imperial restraint green and bound to account
    17 preservation ward
    2 lesser bonding runestone
    1 lesser soulforged enchantment
    48 greater mark of stability
    70 greater mark of power
    11 greater mark of union
    99 greater mark of union
    8 lesser dragon's hoard enchantment
    2 perfect vorpal enchantments
    1 perfect lifedrinker enchantment
    1 perfect bilethorn enchantment
    18 mark of power
    13 mark of stability
    17 mark of union
    24 coffer of celestial enchantments
    1 bronzewood enchantment
    3 plague fire enchantment
    2368 gold pieces
    278 trade bars

    This is cw main bank info:
    empowered runestone rank 8 x2
    azure enchantment rank 8 x 4
    dark enchantment rank 8 x4
    silvery enchantmentr rank 8 x 8
    eldritch runestone rank 8 x2
    radiant enchantment, rank 7 x 34
    radiant enchantment, rank 7 x 2
    silvery enchantment rank 7 x2
    azure enchantment, rank 7 x34
    azure enchantment, rank 7 x 5
    dark enchantment rank 7 x12
    demonic enchantment, rank 7 x9
    empowered runestone rank 7 x5
    profane runestone rank 8 x4
    eldritch runestone rank 7 x2
    training runestone rank 7 x3
    61 Reghed barbarian relic
    cruel enchantment rank 9
    Epic Rod of imperial restraint
    2 cockatrice
    1 redcap powrie
    6 retraining token pack bound char
    ioun stone of allure
    energon x3
    priestess of sehanine moonbow
    priestess of sune
    archmage's apprentice
    rebel mercenary
    skeletal dog
    flame sprite bound to char
    slyblade kobold
    Apparatus of kwalish x 4
    rage drake x1
    enchanted courser x 2
    gelatinous cube x3
    gorgon x2
    stalwart golden lion x2
    pseudodragon x1
    ioun stone of might x1
    kenku archer x1
    paranoid delusion x1
    mystic phoera x2
    phoera x 1
    duergar theurge x10
    death slaad x 6
    frost mimic x 6
    fawn of shiallia x5
    renegade evoker
    helmite paladin ghost
    vicious dire wolf
    ice sprite x5
    flame sprite x1
    frozen galeb duhr
    epic crescent insignia of vigor
    4 feyblessing rank 8
    assassin drake
    shadow wolf
    2 retraining token bound to account
    2 blood ruby bound
    radiant enchantment, rank 8 x2

    I also have 12 millions 743.000 astral diamonds in main char and more than 100k in each other alt, as I said you can gather astral diamonds running 2 dungeons and 2 skirmish x 12 characters.

    I also have transcendent ligthining in this char, transcendent vorpal in hunter ranger, transcendent negation and valhalla set in guardian fighter, perfect vorpal in gwf and perfect vorpal in warlock. Most of them have high bonding runestones like perfect or greater.

    I would accept bank transfer after epicpnc verify all the info I posted and buyer and epicpnc validates all as ok.

    Price is #, contact me for offers.

    Thanks for the time.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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