This is one of the best bases in JH because of several things other high level bases do not have: 1. All the special defenses from events 2. The best monuments for attack and defense, all maxed (including take over troops monument original from event with a high chance) 3. Unique decorations for top 25 places in Survival and other tournaments in the base (invulnerable defense for example) 4. And the BEST: 4 (!!!!) permanent distracting traps due to exellent achievements and tournament rewards instead of the for everyone allowed 1. This REALLY slows down enemy troops advancing. 5. An exellent clanwar ranking with over 100s wins against just a few losses. 6. Modular gun shield module on 21 (!!!) procent -> which boosts defense health around it immense. The deathrays around the HQ approach the 10000 health. This base is a true wolf in sheepsclothes, and with the right person to max out all the walls and push the heroes to 40 its actually unbeatable Im selling it because I dont invest the time anymore to keep the base up to speed Also.. CC max lvl heroes between 30-25 Over 1000s of badges Over 10000 diamonds 5 workers How to buy: drop a reaction.