Selling a top tier destiny beta account It has 100% DestinyTrophies. There are 3 characters: Hunter|exo|female, Warlock|awoken|male|, Titan|Exo|female. All characters have 400 light . All characters have TIER 12 Armor sets. Almost all armor - 400 light. All 9 subclasses are fully upgraded. This account has all Rank Exotic weapons: The first curse, Boolean gemini, Tlaloc, Ace of Spades, Fabian strategy. This account has all Quest Exotic weapons: No time to explain, Touch of malice , Thorn, Khvostov 7g-0x, Outbreak prime Necrochasm, The Chaperone, Sleeper Simulant, Bolt-caster,Raze-lighter,Dark-drinker, Gjallarhorn,The Young wolf's howl, Nova mortic, Abbadon. There are all exotics from updated raids and challenges, including year 3 Vex Mythoclast with Chronoshot Ornament, year 3 Necrochasm with ornament. No land beyond (with Undiscovered country ornament). This account has the super-rare sniper rifle from vanilla destiny 'the supremacy' .There is a lot of god rolled weapons from y2 and y3 ( finnala'speril, grasp of malok, party crasher +1, matador, 1000-yard stare, palindrome (rangefinder-icarus-rifled), eyasluna(no rangefinder), vendor hawksaw, vendor hung jury sr4, thesan fr4 , doctrine of passing, her benevolence). BETA emblem, Vanguard day one emblem, blacksmith shader, y1 and y2 soundtrack emblem. 1.70 k/d in crucible with top 1% elo in trials and more. GAMES ON THE ACCOUNT : Overwatch origins, Call of Duty black ops 3 + all DLCs (even last) , Bloodborne + DLC , Skyrim online. _________________________________ Feel free to ask any questions! if u want photos contact me on [email protected]