Selling 4 Free ru accs

Discussion in 'Age of Conan Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by IrCV, 5/25/17.

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  1. IrCV

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    There are 4 ru accs with cheap subscription. All of them is my personal accs without other owners.

    1. Acc with fresh 80 guardian
    2. Acc with fresh 80 ranger
    3. Acc without charasters but you can create new 80 lvl charaster any class you want (until 31 of May).
    4. Acc without charasters but you can create new 80 lvl charaster any class you want (until 31 of May). Or I can do it for you if you are afraid a little that you won't be able to create new character after pay money. Just tell me a class/sex and any additional details you want.

    Cost of each is 18 Eu. I calculate this price very simple.

    Cost of subscription for Russia - 4 Eu
    Cost of subscription for EU/USA - 13 Eu

    13-4 * 2 = 18 - It equally to saved moneys for 2 months of a subscription.

    Additional prices for example:

    600 FC points - 2,5 Eu without additional discountsor cheaper with it
    7% crit potion - 0,8 Eu without additional discounts or cheaper with it

    My Skype: IrContraV

    Payment option: PayPal
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