Sold Selling Selling 3x Grand Champ season 3 accounts with 600-2000+ hours, a bunch of dlc

Discussion in 'Rocket League Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Nirvana32, 5/25/17.

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  1. Nirvana32

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    A bunch of random DLC's on the accs (will check more detailed once a buyer is interested), a bunch of different painted wheels and other collectable items/toppers etc.

    I can verify that I'm a high profile member of the rocket league reddit community (co-creator of a known trading website) with a bunch of vouches, so there's literally 0% chance that I will go first. I am open to any sort of middleman options if you prefer.

    Prices are negotiatible depending on what acc/items/dlc's you want or prefer.
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