Hai~ im buying Elsword NA acc... what need: High level Full gear +10 IB full set and Ara Pet name price and pic of the acc... at Skype: enochan69
Ineed sell account main AS, CBS,YR 200$-220$ -AS: LV 99 4/4 heroic rank>24 (+8) full sage 4/5 access strong warior Legend +10 full sage Các slot: full slot: special,item ,có qick slot + skill slot b +slot c +slot pet, bank, share bank Pet: Naho (-38 -42) + fetch Grim death +fetch Hoya + fetch( -11 -14) Uniel light +fetch mount: Lord inferno Sacred fox (white) Tit OOR,PP Cos: 8/8 BMF full sage maxi - 4b -80$ 5/5 RM fullsage maxi - 1b5 - 30$ 7/8 VKBN - 1b5 - 30$ 7/8 GF - 2b5 - 50$ 4/5 SE + SE tracer - 1b5 -30$ 5/5 CM full sage - 1b5 -30$ profession : TH lv 9-81% -Yr: lv 90 4/4 7x +8 profession blachsmith lv 10 have skill slot b not use -CBS: lv 83 had skill slot B 8/8 RMF eve -3b - 60$ Co pet +fetch not use 3 pet in this char Rose: lv 44 profession: alchemist lv 9