Sold Selling [Balmung] Gil - Buy now and be prepared for Shirogane housing/4.0 raiding

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TheGrim1, 5/25/17.

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  1. TheGrim1

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    Current Stock: 50m - (Enough stock for a large house!)
    Price: Send me a message or a reasonable offer!

    Shirogane housing!

    Final Fantasy XIV - Housing Prices (Up to date as of this writing!)


    How much Gil will I likely need to buy a house in Shirogane? Assuming prices stay unchanged, see the handy chart above.
    Professional estimate for the Gil needed for first week raid gear + melds: 10~20m. (One class!) *
    Professional estimate for the Gil needed for first week top tier craft gear + melds: 25~45m+. (All classes)*
    * These are just estimates. Gear prices will likely lower after the first week, but materia should maintain its value, likely even increasing; costing more...

    With the Stormblood expansion releasing next month (June 16th!) Gil prices from all sellers are soaring due to the rapidly increasing demand and dwindling supply. People now are using the 'early bird' strategy and buying Gil BEFORE the expansion is released because they know prices will only go higher and higher upon Stormblood's release, only stabilizing after all houses are sold out and most have their new crafted raid gears... And while cheap raid gear is nice, no one wants to be the guy that didn't get the house they wanted on patch day.

    Cheapest rates are guaranteed. You show me any legitimate site or player selling for cheaper and I will go lower.


    Nearly 1 billion Gil sold in the past six months.
    Transactions are safe & secure. All Gil is farmed via non-shady methods.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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