Sold WTS - BF Europe LVL 400 Account - 187 Gems, Lots of Summon Tickets

Discussion in 'Brave Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fakeacc, 5/24/17.

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  1. Fakeacc

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    I want to sale my account, because i haven´t played since a long time. I´ve only done daily logins and gift sending. The account is currently Lvl 400, Raid Lvl 5, has a lot of 7* full imped Units, has 187 unused gems.
    Additionally it has the option to choose a free unit, which can be every unit.
    In the postbox there are more than...
    - 20 summon tickets
    - 25 mystery frogs
    - 25 sphere frogs
    - 20 burst empeors
    - 40 arton imps
    - 10 trident keys (+15 unused)
    lots of jewel & metal keys, Crystals...
    If any questions ask me. More pictures available

    Sale via paypal

    Asking price is 250 € (#).


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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