Sold Selling Khux NA Lvl 300 with Nova lvl 438 for extremely low price! Great account!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ExCloud, 5/22/17.

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  1. ExCloud

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    I'm completely done with this game and want to sell it asap. I am asking for only $100. Seriously not a scam or joke! Have many of the premium HSC medals and can easily rank up in top 5k in HSC events. Below is a list of skills that haven't been used yet. There's over 200 chip n dales and Cid medals and a lot of magic mirrors too. Also account has over 3,200 of evolve medals of each type and Exp medals as well, you will never need to farm again! Everything can be seen in the link below. I will be making an extra Facebook account to transfer the account once sold.

    If your interested you can message me on line app. ID: hjfhj.
    or text this number; (323) 359-0059.

    Poison x10
    Paralysis x4
    Sleep x11
    Defense Boost I x4
    Defense Boost II x3
    Attack Boost I x4
    Attack Boost II x3
    Attack Boost All II x3
    Attack Prize Plus x2
    Attack Boost II Max x1
    Attack Boost II & AP+ x1
    Attack Boost II & Lux+ x1
    Attack Boost II Max & Lux+ x1
    Sp Attack Gauge I x2
    Attack Boost III Max x1
    Attack Boost III & AP+ x1
    Attack Boost III & AP+ & Lux+ x1
    Attack Boost III Max & Sp Gauge II x1
    Attack Boost IV x1
    Triple Threat x1
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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