The templar is Veteran Rank 3, imperial on Daggerfall alliance. EU server. This is an imperial edition account with a lvl 14 horse, 123 inventory slots. A very well played account with 2430 achievement points Lvl 50 in Aedric spear Dawn's wrath Restoring light. Lvl 50 in heavy armor. Lvl 50 in two handed weapons. Lvl 50 in one hand and shield. Lvl 50 in imperial skills. He is a vampire at lvl 10/10. Blacksmithing at lvl 41 with loads of mats. Many motifs unlocked. Clothing at 38. Woodworking at 36. There is about 68k gold, 170k alliance points, pvp rank at 7. So it's a well played account, contact me at skype: Joel-d93. bumpbumpbump Price is at 150 USD