Sold Selling Lvl50 Assassin decked out|Sorcerer lvl55 master crafter - ranger lvl 52 expert

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ron0, 5/21/17.

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  1. Ron0

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    Selling lvl 50 sin on Vaizel
    Have 2 extendable weaps (lannok dagger + sword)
    Lannok bow combined with 30 elite pvp bow
    Paralyze godstone on Main hand
    Stun godstone on Off hand
    Have up to 11months rewards of the daevas
    449 Tailoring
    Have ~7mil left, lvl 31 cleric alt with 399 cooking and FULL Bank of misc materials, rare dyes etc.

    I am selling my Aion accounts for having several months without playing them like 5 months I like the accounts with good cracks good postures of good moments and weapons to show more details of it you can write to my mail where to talk about them with more details and achieve Aion Good sale, make your offer on any account and we will negotiate the delivery comes with your mail.

    Level 55 Sorcerer
    Account Type: Collector's Edition
    Class: Sorcerer
    Level: 55
    Gender: Male
    Server: Spatalos
    Pet: pet manduri,aqua grifo

    sorcerer profil
    Level 52 and level 54 stigmas UNLOCKED. need the 55 is on middle

    Current build: Flame Spray build
    Also have all stigma build stocked in WH.
    Also have 10
    .000 k stigma shard for stigma changes
    Kinah: about 3m for now
    Sorcerer is master and is very easy to make money from craft

    Master Alchemy : 512
    Tailoring: 272
    expert cooking: 450
    Aether: 463
    Essencetaping: 433
    I have all the Top recipes.
    Char abyss points: 135.000
    Weapon: elder nariki spellbook combine with 16+ cast speed spellbook
    xenophon +4 orb combined +godstone 1880 dmg
    Noble siel's supreme from quest with cast speed ready when finish the quest(mats from sugo i have buyed)

    PvP Geared Level 50 Sorc - Vaizel Elyos

    extremely well geared Sorc on VZ Elyos.
    Elite Guardian Tribunus Tome Combined with Noble Terrifying Tome - Attack speed AND Cast Speed, Best combination for a caster.
    Full 40 Elite PvP Armor - Socketed with HP
    Full 30 Elite PvP armor - MB set
    With MB Set, Sorc hits MB Cap.
    With HP set, sorc rocks almost 8k.
    This sorc does anything, with MB set, infernos easily hit for 4k+, with HP set, infernos still hit 3k + and you get a ton more survivability.

    Each of the accounts are free of price, with this they mean that they can start your offer freely what you consider to be worth and we will be talking about if I accept the offer depending on the price that you put completely guaranteed fast delivery and as I said with Your mail, you are satisfied with the purchase of any acc you want since they are good all.

    [email protected]
    #1 Ron0, 5/21/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/4/18
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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