Selling account 44 toons / 12 Servers I am THE ONLY ONE OWNER, selling with mail 1625 Cartel Coins Ulocked Ziost Guardians Lightsaber for ACCOUNT UNRELETING TERROR`s armor for ACCOUNT THEXAN`S armor set for ACCOUNT Legacy titles for ACCOUNT character titles for ACCOUNT Access to Section X for ACCOUNT Compantion Customization for ACCOUNT Hide Head Slot for ACCOUNT Cathar 3 x character slots for ACCOUNT Hairstyle 1 Hairstle 2 Yellow Eyes Have Senya Trainer Have Armor boost 25% Helmet + Chest+ Greaves Victorious Pioneer`s Have Nico Ocar companion + Nico`s blasters (legacy weapon) + Nico Ocar`s Coat K1-Z3N Droid Companion for ACCOUNT Have Digital Upgrade Pack + access to VIp zone on fleet Have Kurtob Alliance mount for ACCOUNT Rapid Repair Drone toy (whole account) Flourish emote, battle plan, Creepy, Search (account) emotes -> Have own guild on JEDI COVENANT SERVER with Guildship and full Nar Shadda stronghold Every toon has 3-8 mounts EUROPE servers ------------------------------------------------ Red Eclipse server (50 LVL legacy) Ulocked all buffs, all Datacrones (Datacrone master title), (Cybertech, Armomech, Armstech, Artifuce, Synthwaving 600 - all 600) White-Black crystal mastery (on each toon Red Eclipse) Rocket boost 70 Guardian (Thexan`s Lightsaber) 67 Shadow (Thexan`s armor set) 70 Mercenary (GR-10 Plasma Core blaster, 70 Sorc (Revan Reborn mask, Ziost Guardians Lightsaber, White-Black crystal) 70 Gunlinger (Mandalore the Preserver`s set not bound, HK-51 companion) 70 Vanguard 70 Operative (Rangehunter ee-1 rifle) 70 Juggernout 50 Sith Maradeur (Reclusive Master`s robe, Wayward Warrior Mask, Vengeance`s Unsealed Lightsaber) 70 Powertech ( Rohlan Dyre`s Armor set, Vectron Predator mount) 70 Sentinel (Treek companion) Progenitor server 42 legacy lvl (unlocked twileck species for this server) 70 Jug (Vindicator`s lightsaber, Mandalore the Ultimate`s armor set) 60 Scoundrell 61 Assassin 70 Commando (Warstorm Veteran`s armor set, RH-35 Starforget Assault Cannon, Plundered TC-16 Spwie,El-34 Rotary Plasma Cannon, Ma-53 Overwatch Chestplate) 60 Powertech (gr-9 plasma blaster, Mandalorian Seeker`s armor set) 56 Guardian Jedi (Bestial Fanatic`s armor set) 68 Sniper (Dune Stalker`s armor set) 70 Maradeur (Thexan`s armor set) 55 Sorc 55 Sage ToFN server 58 Sorc (Thexan`s armor set) T3-M4 server 65 Sentinel (Volatile Conqueror`s Lightsaber with animation, Zakuulan Preserver`s armor set) 25 Commando VenJervalis Chain server 27 Sorc Mantle of the Force server 25 Operative Battle meditation server 28 Commando USA servers -------------------------------------- Jedi Covenant server (38 legacy lvl) have unbind (u can sell it) UNRELETING TERROR`s chest, helmet and gloves -> Have own guild with Guildship and full Nar Shadda stronghold 70 Merc (Vile Hunter`s full set 70 Jug (full set UNRELETING TERROR`s) 67 Sorc (shadow Malak`s chest) 62 Commando (Crimson Raider`s armor set) 60 Guardian jedi (Valiant Jedi armor set, Ziost Guardians Lightsaber)-> Have own guild with Guildship and full Nar Shadda stronghold 60 Vanguard 53 Scoundrell 16 Sith assassin (full set Exterminator`s) Shadowlands server (have unbind Shae Vizla helmet , it is 25+ mil) 60 Shadow (Revered Seer`s full set) Ebon Hawk server 55 Guardian (Freedon Nadd`s full set) 51 Powertech Bergen Colony server 55 Jug (Kathar Honor Sword) Harbinger (21 lvl legacy) 70 Assassin (Sathele Shan`s dualsaber not bind) 67 Vanguard (bio-fiber armor set) 52 Sith Maradeur 6 Sorcerer (Full set Fallen Defender`s) 10 Jug (Remulus Dreypa full set) Contact me [email protected] skype: victor_molot any questions, can show screenshots, watch my feedbacks, I can show account online via skype, we can talk via skype. PRICE 300 $ (usd) via Western Union (NO PAYPAL, because in Ukraine it is does not allow withdraw money)