Sold Selling Selling swtor account 44 toons

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by winner_sirius, 5/20/17.

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  1. winner_sirius

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    Selling account 44 toons / 12 Servers
    I am THE ONLY ONE OWNER, selling with mail
    1625 Cartel Coins

    Ziost Guardians Lightsaber for ACCOUNT
    THEXAN`S armor set for ACCOUNT
    Legacy titles for ACCOUNT
    character titles for ACCOUNT
    Access to Section X for ACCOUNT
    Compantion Customization for ACCOUNT
    Hide Head Slot for ACCOUNT
    3 x character slots for ACCOUNT
    Hairstyle 1
    Hairstle 2
    Yellow Eyes
    Have Senya Trainer
    Have Armor boost 25% Helmet + Chest+ Greaves Victorious Pioneer`s
    Have Nico Ocar companion + Nico`s blasters (legacy weapon) + Nico Ocar`s Coat
    K1-Z3N Droid Companion for ACCOUNT
    Have Digital Upgrade Pack + access to VIp zone on fleet
    Have Kurtob Alliance mount for ACCOUNT
    Rapid Repair Drone toy (whole account)
    Flourish emote, battle plan, Creepy, Search (account) emotes

    -> Have own guild on JEDI COVENANT SERVER with Guildship and full Nar Shadda stronghold

    Every toon has 3-8 mounts

    EUROPE servers
    Red Eclipse server (50 LVL legacy) Ulocked all buffs, all Datacrones (Datacrone master title), (Cybertech, Armomech, Armstech, Artifuce, Synthwaving 600 - all 600)
    White-Black crystal mastery (on each toon Red Eclipse)
    Rocket boost

    70 Guardian (Thexan`s Lightsaber)
    67 Shadow (Thexan`s armor set)
    70 Mercenary (GR-10 Plasma Core blaster,
    70 Sorc (Revan Reborn mask, Ziost Guardians Lightsaber, White-Black crystal)
    70 Gunlinger (Mandalore the Preserver`s set not bound, HK-51 companion)
    70 Vanguard
    70 Operative (Rangehunter ee-1 rifle)
    70 Juggernout
    50 Sith Maradeur (Reclusive Master`s robe, Wayward Warrior Mask, Vengeance`s Unsealed Lightsaber)
    70 Powertech ( Rohlan Dyre`s Armor set, Vectron Predator mount)
    70 Sentinel (Treek companion)

    Progenitor server 42 legacy lvl (unlocked twileck species for this server)
    70 Jug (Vindicator`s lightsaber, Mandalore the Ultimate`s armor set)
    60 Scoundrell
    61 Assassin
    70 Commando (Warstorm Veteran`s armor set, RH-35 Starforget Assault Cannon, Plundered TC-16 Spwie,El-34 Rotary Plasma Cannon, Ma-53 Overwatch Chestplate)
    60 Powertech (gr-9 plasma blaster, Mandalorian Seeker`s armor set)
    56 Guardian Jedi (Bestial Fanatic`s armor set)
    68 Sniper (Dune Stalker`s armor set)
    70 Maradeur (Thexan`s armor set)
    55 Sorc
    55 Sage

    ToFN server
    58 Sorc (Thexan`s armor set)

    T3-M4 server
    65 Sentinel (Volatile Conqueror`s Lightsaber with animation, Zakuulan Preserver`s armor set)
    25 Commando

    VenJervalis Chain server
    27 Sorc

    Mantle of the Force server
    25 Operative

    Battle meditation server
    28 Commando

    USA servers
    Jedi Covenant server (38 legacy lvl) have unbind (u can sell it) UNRELETING TERROR`s chest, helmet and gloves
    -> Have own guild with Guildship and full Nar Shadda stronghold

    70 Merc (Vile Hunter`s full set
    70 Jug (full set UNRELETING TERROR`s)
    67 Sorc (shadow Malak`s chest)
    62 Commando (Crimson Raider`s armor set)
    60 Guardian jedi (Valiant Jedi armor set, Ziost Guardians Lightsaber)-> Have own guild with Guildship and full Nar Shadda stronghold
    60 Vanguard
    53 Scoundrell
    16 Sith assassin (full set Exterminator`s)

    Shadowlands server (have unbind Shae Vizla helmet , it is 25+ mil)
    60 Shadow (Revered Seer`s full set)

    Ebon Hawk server
    55 Guardian (Freedon Nadd`s full set)
    51 Powertech

    Bergen Colony server
    55 Jug (Kathar Honor Sword)

    Harbinger (21 lvl legacy)
    70 Assassin (Sathele Shan`s dualsaber not bind)
    67 Vanguard (bio-fiber armor set)
    52 Sith Maradeur
    6 Sorcerer (Full set Fallen Defender`s)
    10 Jug (Remulus Dreypa full set)

    Contact me
    [email protected]
    skype: victor_molot
    any questions, can show screenshots, watch my feedbacks, I can show account online via skype, we can talk via skype.

    PRICE 300 $ (usd) via Western Union
    (NO PAYPAL, because in Ukraine it is does not allow withdraw money)

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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