Sold Selling Ready to end-game playing PVE and PVP account. Red Eclipce.

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ubaskis, 5/17/17.

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  1. Ubaskis

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    My contact: [email protected]
    Paying method: paypal or bank card.
    If you want some screeenshots with cargo holds or collections - send me e-mail and i will answer.

    Short list:
    *current subscriber
    *over 100 millions credits on characters + over 70 millions stuff at legacy cargo hold.
    *2300 cartel coins
    *8 characters with 70 lvl (all classes, good gear for all roles (heal, tank, damage) for both factions)
    *All crew skill at maximun with almost full set 240 schemes.
    *Every character have 50 lvl influence with 1 companion.
    *Starting lvl 60 and lvl 65 tokens
    *legendary status, galactic conqueror and big game hunter titles.
    *37k achievements
    *100% completed strongholds on Dromund Kaas, Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine.
    *100% datacrons, 100% imps and 100% reps unlocks
    *lots of rare stuff in collections

    Full list:

    100% Companions
    60% Events
    31% Flashpoints
    53% Operations
    94% Legacy
    39% Dailies
    92% Strongholds
    59% Fallen Empire
    56% Uprisings
    24% Eternal throne
    74% Location
    30% Starfighter
    100% Space
    46% Player Vs. Player

    - Zabrak mercenary, 300 command rank, 70 valor, 244+ DPS legacy gear with set bonus with full augments and 240+ HEAL legacy gear with set bonus with full augments. 600 biochem, 600 diplomacy, 600 bioanalysis
    - Chiss operative 96 command rank, 25 valor, 236+ HEAL legacy gear with set bonus with full augments, 600 archeology, 600 scavenging, 600 bioanalysis
    - Rattataki assasin, 185 command rank, 26 valor, 236+ TANK legacy gear with set bonus with full augments and 236+ DPS legacy gear with set bonus with full augments, 600 archeology, 600 synthweaving, 600 tresure hunting
    - Sith warrior, 70 command rank, valor 22, 230+ DPS legacy gear with set bonus with full augments, 600 bioanalysis, 600 scavenging, 600 slicing.

    - Human Sage, 133 command rank, 29 valor, 236+ HEAL legacy gear with set bonus with full augments, 600 artifice, 600 underworld trading, 600 archeology
    - Twilek gunslinger, 220 command rank, 32 valor, 236+ DPS legacy gear with set bonus with full augments, 600 armormech, 600 scavenging, 600 bioanalysis
    - Rattataki sentinel, 78 command rank, 2 valor, 230+ DPS legacy gear with set bonus with full augments, 600 armstech, 600 scavenging, 600 investigation
    - Mirialan vanguard, 70 command rank, 8 valor, 230+ TANK legacy gear with set bonus with full augments, 600 cybertech, 600 underworld trading, 600 slicing

    According to game statistic This account have total playing time 128 DAYS 17 HOURS and 44 minutes.
    It will be cost for you for 400 EUR or 400 US dollars.

    If you want get some FUN in Star Wars universe and dont wanna waste your time, than this OFFER FOR YOU. But skip this offer if you want spend a lot of time in game - i dont wanna give somebody my slavery necklace :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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