[WTS] [genuine] Win10 keys/Office 365 Lifetime Accounts/Office 2016 Retail/Malwarebytes

Discussion in 'Malwarebytes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by briny999, 5/17/17.

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  1. briny999

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    Hi all, I am looking to mass sell Office 365 Accounts Lifetime, Windows keys and Office 2016 retail version

    [Office 365, vouch available]
    This is a brand new account so you can login via login.microsoftonline.com and change the password there.

    The username will be given by me
    Example of domains
    [email protected] (3.50USD)
    [email protected] (3USD)

    [Office 2016, no vouch] 20USD
    This is genuine Office 2016 retail key. Not MSDN. This key can be installed onto your own live account, via the microsoft website. Simply key in your serial number there and you can download Office 2016. For MSDN, if I'm not wrong, you have to get download link from seller and download from there. You can sell these keys on Ebay. Mine is currently limited. Will be selling here until I learn stealth.

    Windows Key # if buy in bulk
    Windows 10 Pro: $5
    Windows 10 Home: $5
    Windows 10 Education: $5

    Windows 8/8.1 Pro: $4
    Windows 8/8.1 Home: $4
    Windows 7 Ultimate: $3
    Windows 7 Professional: $3
    Windows 7 Home Premium: $3

    9USD/key for 1user. (buy 3 or more, get bulk discounts)

    You can sell them on eBay, your country's Craiglist, flipkart etc.
    2 vouch copies available, on the condition you update on the status of the accounts every month. (ie office 2016 installed via there still usable etc)

    Anyone with good ebay knowledge can also skype me, I'm willing to learn about EBay selling. Just want to enquire more.

    Contact information
    PM me/inbox
    Skype ID: live:shenmin_quek

    Proof in attachment
    Attached Images
    #1 briny999, 5/17/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/23/18
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