Sold Selling WTS L50 Necro Account (Uthgard) for Albion Plats!

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Albionscout, 5/16/17.

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  1. Albionscout

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    Greetings all

    Never played a Necro and so, out of curiosity, I PLed myself one to see how I would like it.

    I played it a a couple of days but this character class is just not for me! So, I am selling it NOT for cash but for ingame gold on Albion only.

    The Necro is a male Inconnu and specced 48 Sight, 24 Servant and 6 Pain. No trade skills. No house. No gold to speak off. Geared fairly OK but nothing special. It was made just to try out the class. The account comes with it's own Gmail account. I am NOT interested in trading for another account.

    Please PM me if you would like to make me an offer.
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