Selling Bnet(eu),High HS collection,OW,and low D3,wow,hots acc

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ble3dness, 5/16/17.

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  1. ble3dness

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    I'd like to sell my account with a big collection in HS(has most cards,40k+ dust,few gold,10k+ more dust from Golden cards if u need it,all adventures,12 arena wins,all the seasonal cardbacks),OW currently unranked,played only promotionals during S1/2,lvl 130 or something,quite a few legs and other skins,some exclusive from Olympics,3k gold.My account also got wow draenor with lvl 100 druid,D3 core and hots with a few champs and 10k+ gold.Post your price and then.
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