KazEm Cheat Engine Trainer By : Triston Stuart Version : 1.05 (BETA) Hacks : 1. AmmoPRIMARY (Give yourself unlimited ammo on primary gun) 2. AmmoSECONDARY (Give yourself unlimited ammo on secondary gun) 3. CustomClassColors (Get custom class colors) 4. OnlineChatColoring (Send colored messages) 5. OnlineColoredNameANDclanTag (Have a colored name + clan tag) Ammo hacks are for Custom Games ONLY. Wont work online. Every other # will work online, comment if you need help. Also I cant post link so how do i post the virus scan results?? Do i need to be approved? Virus Scans : https://virustotal.com/en/file/d66fe...is/1494751469/ Downloadable Files http://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/zip.gif KazEm BO3 Mods_mpgh.net.zip [Download and Thanks] (2.4 KB)