Selling MR16 (Almost 17) - All Warframes, Most Limited Time Weapons/Mods, Most Cosmetics, etc.

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Chromatron, 5/14/17.

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  1. Chromatron

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    In this account I have all the Warframes, some limited time weapons, most cosmetics, a lot of Rivens, Primed Mods, etc.
    Two of the Primed Mods are maxed (Primed Flow and Continuity).

    Feel free to DM me to get some Pictures or a list and yes, you are allowed to check the account first. (I'll go in-game with you to show you).

    The raid records have also been really good since I don't fail a lot unless it's with bugs or challenges like 4 man no mod JV.

    In terms of cosmetics, I am more of a FashionFrame person so I do have a lot of cosmetics and almost every single deluxe skin bundle including the new Chroma Dynasty one.

    I am also a collector so I do have quite a lot of event mods.

    There's enough platinum in the account for a name change if you want to abandon the really nice 3 letter IGN.

    If you're interested and want a list of items DM me or email me at [email protected] then I can show you.

    Thanks for viewing.
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