Sold Selling Account with 4 characters

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by IssaKnife, 5/14/17.

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  1. IssaKnife

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    36 more days of subscription (Non Recurring)
    Server: The Shadowlands
    Little bit of playtime
    Cartel Coins: 596
    Around 8,000 to 9,000 cartel coins spent
    Few hundred thousand credits. Have a Lightning tuning kit that can be sold for around 30 million
    Account creation date: 02.19.171 free level 65 character token you can use that i got from twitch prime
    1 free level 65 character token you can use that i got from twitch prime
    All characters are on The Shadowlands server:
    Level 70 Marauder Male Sith
    Level 67 Imperial Agent Male Sith
    Level 47 Sorcerer Male Sith
    Level 15 Smuggler Male Cyborg
    The reason why I'm selling is because I can't play anymore cause my laptop won't start it up after i press play so I've given up. If you want to contact me text me @240-517-7899 or kik me @XxShadowLancerxX.
    Selling for $60
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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