[WTS] [Personal Uplay account] Rainbow Six Siege Complete Edition

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Deviceguy, 5/14/17.

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  1. Deviceguy

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    -uplay account only , R6S needs steam
    -It is my personal account, not cracked - and I can give it with OG email.
    -no cheats,macro,ahk used

    Games on uplay account:
    -Rainbow Six Siege Complete Edition

    R6S stats:
    -lvl 68
    -5.8 W/L
    -1.9 K/D
    -all operator unlocked
    -17000 renown, 54 r6s credit

    other notable unlocked items:
    -Sledge-chemical warfare
    -Fuze-KT Raid Camo
    -Castle- Bones headgear
    -Jager - KT Mandrake Camo
    -Frost-y2 s1 gold set
    -weapon skin-black
    -charm- you will get y2 s1 plat charm



    Contact: my skype is live:w10nftzsj3whrt

    Price: Offer me(Paypal or csgo skins)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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