All For Ruff-Rose 19x Knight Good build 3r7s in hebarn set, r7 in legend northern light r7 in jab shield 5/20 185 helm 3/15 saint righteous chest, 4/15 saint righteous glvoes, 3/15 righteous boots FAW (9) (all perfect refined ) 851mil zulie. (has skull breaker (6) perfect refined) SCOUT is stripped, perfect build for pvp and farming Cleric has 521 int. so ya thats all i gotta say for that Raider has 3 x g7s, Firangi-Firangi (9) with g7, and a bunch of 7/7 low lvl eqp. I will keep lvling raider till i sell. PM ur msn, or post here. Will consider trades. so jsut post what u got pmed msn. ***************************************************** added. still havent sold any yet ***************************************************** *****************************************************