Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service Account in top 2 GvG/Hall of Fame (showing its a legend tier account for a really long time) Other extra not showed in screenshot (to long to take a screenshot of 4*/5*) 1 jupy 6* so he can be 46 2 khalan (lvl50) 2 jave (lvl50) Ace, Lubu, Wukong can be lvl 46 Karma can be lvl 44 Rachel can be lvl 34 Kyle can be lvl 34 The account also have top equipment on every PvP heroes, a lot of accessories in stock and a lot of accessories with substats. It's reaching legend tier withotu any trouble if you're playing enough match, screenshot took this days, as you can see below mid-week it reached 4720 with a winrate of 78%. Line: kinklee for more information