Heroes unlocked 28/32, so only missing Baron, Flicker, Grumpjaw and Baptiste Skins Tier 1 : Adagio, Alpha, Ardan, Catherine, Celeste, Fortress, Glaive, Joule, Kestrel( and winter war ) , Koshka, Krul, Petal, Phinn, Ringo, Rona, Samuel, Saw, Skaarf, Skye, Taka, Vox Skins Tier 2: Celeste, Koshka, Ringo, Glaive , Taka Skins Tier 3: Adagio, Glaive, Ringo, Koshka, Celeste, Skye, Saw, Vox Limited Edition Skin: Celeste, Fortress, Taka, Rona, Koshka, Catherine Other skins includes: Netherkinght Lance, Pumpkin Spice Petal (SE) , Snow Monster Joule (SE), Summer Party Phinn (SE), Bakuto Ringo (SE), Moon Princess Celeste (SE) Current Rank is Worthy Foe Gold ( been inactive ), have previous 2 POA bronze trophies. With 135 ICE, 175 Glory and 35 OPALS. Also includes the Permanent Glory Booster, Also super close to getting the Lyra Tier 3 skin. Only missing 4 legendaries. Price is #, happy to answer any questions