Selling some bil Arua Rose zuly (Hebarn)

Discussion in 'Rose Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I am selling arua rose zuly on the Hebarn server with the following ratio :

    1 bil => 55 $

    Since I got scammed already by some kids, I am not gonna give the zuly first. Also, I am a serious seller so you can trust me.

    my email is *****************************************************

    serious buyers only, or don't add me

    i bought some bil from Nowhere38.

    Though I had kept him waiting for a long time,but he waited without complaining.

    I who was deceived badly assert. He is very reliable.

    Little bump !

    I still have a good stock of zuly to sell


    Still selling. If you are interested, I can also directly sell my account with all the bil/ lvl 218 characters and some good items.

    How much for ur account??

    I added you on msn so we can talk about it.

    Just come online

    hmmm i can sell 1 bill 2 and a knight lvl 200 pm me if intersted

    Bump !

    Still selling
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