Quiting Rose Online and looking to sell my account. Paypal or Western Union only. I AM VERIFIED! ( If doing Western Union i will require a phone convo. possibly even paypal. ) 215 champ full chiv (5)-(9). Chiv Chest (10) w/ D7 Hardend jab axe (11) w/ D7 ferral guild ring w/D7 and lava set w/D7 215 dex cleric. CLERIC IS NAKED BUT HAS FULL IM BUFFS! 80mage 80hawker both naked alts. this account is full of IM goodies including. FULL BLUE SANTA SET NO LONGER BUYABLE! VERY RARE! looking to sell this account for around $70 please send me a pm or msg me on AIM with offers! AIM - Snomans4455 thanks, Ipath BUMP please msg me with offers! thanks, Ipath ipath.. hmm i remeber u scamming ur wow account bk... snomans was the char.. a 70 horde shaman i believe.. i've been trying to contact u for ages.. Message me in-game FirstFlight i'll buy plz add me on *****************************************************