Buying Titan Rose Cleric

Discussion in 'Rose Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I'm looking for a Titan Rose cleric, I prefer buying a 15x or higher, also i need some topaz grade 4 - 7 on it and some zullie and gear.

    Here or my terms:

    You go to a GM and say you quit and give away your account, and ask the GM to change the email to mine's.

    Once i got the cleric I pay you through paypal.

    Note: If you don't agree with these terms you don't have to leave a reply!

    Ive heard many people that didn't change the email because only a GM can do it and after a few weeks the old owner change the pass again.

    Price I pay for the cleric, hook me up on msn and I buy the cheapest.

    My msn *****************************************************

    Kind regards,

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