Selling 2 vikings account: 1.1 m troops, 6.6 BILLION resourses, 50 lvl, many items, boosts, stronghold in cl

Discussion in 'Vikings War of Clans Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gima1994, 5/11/17.

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  1. gima1994

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    1st acc:

    Kingdom: 210
    Palace: 22 lvl
    Influence: 20,5 m
    Hero: 50 lvl
    VIP: 13 lvl 3 weeks
    Shield: 12 weeks
    Troops: 1.200.510

    Economic: 82/90
    Military: 42/241
    Espionage: 17/45
    Training: 86/282
    Invaders: 13/187

    3-Hour Resource Yielding Speed-up of 50%: x3
    50% Increased Resource Production: x1
    Great Economy, 75%: x1
    Great Greed (Food), 150%: x1
    1-Hour Construction Speed-up of 10%: x4
    1-Hour Construction Speed-up of 20%: x7
    30-Minute Construction Speed-up of 30%: x4
    1-Hour Knowledge Learning Speed-up of 10%: x2
    1-Hour Knowledge Learning Speed-up of 20%: x8
    30-Minute Knowledge Learning Speed-up of 30%: x3
    1-Hour Training Speed-up of 10%: x3
    1-Hour Training Speed-up of 20%: x9
    Marching Speed-up of 25%: x10
    Boosts for Clan Stronghold: 34x3h, 29x8h, 32x15h
    Scrolls: x250
    Coal: x80
    The Cradle for 24 hours: x1
    Home of the Aesir for 24 hours: x4
    Bastion of the Beast for 5 days: x1
    Dragon`s Citadel for 7 days: x2
    Relocation: x39
    Great Relocation: x2
    Return: x2
    Hero Set activation: x32
    Simple Diamond Knife: x1
    Usual Diamond Knife: x1
    Name Change: x51
    Rename Town: x53
    Change of Appearance: x16
    Torch: x15
    Guard Payoff: x100
    3-Hour Enemy Reduced Defense of 20%: x3
    3-Hour Enemy Reduced Offense of 20%: x3
    3-Hour Enemy Reduced Health of 20%: x3
    12-Hour Increased Offence of 20%: x4
    24-Hour Increased Offence of 20%: x3
    24-Hour Increased Defense of 20%: x1
    Wax Seal: x10 000
    Hero`s Energy, 100 units: x1
    Hero`s Energy, 500 units: x36
    Hero`s Energy, 1000 units: x16
    Warrior`s Draft: x132
    15-Minute Troop Enlargement of 100%: x52
    1-Hour Marching Speed-up of 50%: x61
    30-Minute Marching Speed-up of 100%: x33
    Troop Recall: x38

    Many Stones and materials
    2nd acc (used as bank):

    Kingdom: 210
    Palace: 21 lvl
    Influence: 5 m
    Hero: 48 lvl
    VIP: 11 lvl
    Shield: 25 weeks

    Food: (yes, 5.1 billion)
    Lumber: 484.546.000
    Iron: 349.585.000
    Stone: 546.812.000
    Silver: 137.312.000


    Economic: 40/90
    Military: 28/241
    Espionage: 13/45
    Training: 32/282
    Invaders: 7/187

    Greed (Food), 50%: x1
    Greed (Silver), 50%: x3
    1-Hour Construction Speed-up of 20%: x6
    5-Minute Knowledge Learning Speed-up of 10%: x41
    1-Hour Knowledge Learning Speed-up of 20%: x7
    1-Hour Training Speed-up of 10%: x2
    1-Hour Training Speed-up of 20%: x8
    15-Minute Boost: x23
    60-Minute Boost: x50
    3-Hour Boost: x41
    8-Hour Boost: x28
    15-Hour Boost: x14
    24-Hour Boost: x10
    3-Day Boost: x4
    7-Day Boost: x1
    Marching Speed-up of 25%: x10
    Home of the Aesir for 24 hours: x2
    Bastion of the Beast for 5 days: x3
    Dragon`s Citadel for 7 days: x1
    Relocation: x66
    Great Relocation: x1
    Return: x1
    Hero Set activation: x29
    Premium Task Refresher: x300
    Simple Diamond Knife: x1
    Usual Diamond Knife: x1
    Name Change: x73
    Rename Hero: x1
    Rename Town: x74
    Change of Appearance: x9
    Torch: x15
    12-Hour Increased Offence of 20%: x3
    24-Hour Increased Defense of 20%: x2
    Hero`s Energy, 100 units: x2
    Hero`s Energy, 200 units: x3
    Hero`s Energy, 500 units: x220
    Hero`s Energy, 1000 units: x21
    Warrior`s Draft: x284
    15-Minute Troop Enlargement of 100%: x49
    1-Hour Marching Speed-up of 50%: x50
    30-Minute Marching Speed-up of 100%: x28
    Troop Recall: x59

    Many Stones and materials
    My contacts (if you want screenshoots or any else information):
    Viber: +380660835215
    WhatsApp: +380660835215
    Telegram: +380660835215
    Line: thortheazgard
    Skype: thortheazgard
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  2. OP

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