Welcome to FreshDev's first release of their new mod menu for CSGO. We are a team of 4 developers wishing to make everyone's gaming experience better. We all know PHP, Java, C# and many other coding languages. Today we release our first ever tool - SmokeyHook! SmokeyHook is a revolutionary new mod menu with an array of aimbots, spawners & skin mods. All the features of SmokeyHook are displayed in the video above! We have become aware that SmokeyHook has been cloned - a previous dev has taken the early edition of it and reuploaded it on YouTube. This dev has infected his version with spamware - which is a RAT-like tool that takes over your computer. We recommend downloading from only our link - as we are the original & trusted devs of SmokeyHook. View SmokeyHook in progress - you don't have to download it. h t t p s : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = u p u A U 3 v l W 1 w Tools in the making: Grand Theft Auto V Online Mod Menu - In early beta testing stages Roblox Robux Mod Menu & Robux Generator --Signing Off for now FreshDev