[News] If you downloaded "[Release] Undetected | Glow - Radar - Bunny - NoFlash | Legit"

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Raple, 5/10/17.

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  1. Raple

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    The file from the thread "[Release] Undetected | Glow - Radar - Bunny - NoFlash | Legit" was confirmed to be malicious. If you downloaded and used this program, you may possible be infected. This file was approved by myself, and I take full responsibility for that.

    You first have to kill the process itself from the virus. Just find a suspicious looking "msconfig.exe" in your processes and end it. The file copies itself to %appdata%\msconfig\msconfig.exe, which is C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\msconfig\msconfig. exe and will make itself hidden. You will have to enable viewing of hidden files and folders to find and delete it. Then, delete the original file.

    After that, you should be safe. Be sure to run a scan on your PC and check to see if the virus persists.

    Again, I apologize for this mistake and will try and make sure it never happens again.
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