Selling Founder Grand Master with Lato Prime, and Scana prime Has Frost prime access, and Nova prime access. The account only has the Boltor Prime as a primary prime. Secondary primes are Lato Prime and Sicarus Prime The prime melees are Ankyros Prime, Glaive Prime, and Scana Prime Quests haven't been done because the account is very old.
PSA: Don't sell to Waitingtilend0, he is a scammer and scammed one of my friends. He will probably post on this thread saying I am a scammer.
[trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute Automated Response If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced. .[/trigger] [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute Automated Response If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced. .[/trigger] [trigger=by]For: Vesono Re: #2[/trigger]
If you guys would like to purchase PM me instead of replying here! I am still selling for $200, if you PM me a skype username to contact you with, the transaction could be a lot quicker!