Sold Selling Optc Global 8 Legends Fuji Doffy Croco etc

Discussion in 'One Piece Treasure Cruise OPTC Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bluesoda, 5/9/17.

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  1. Bluesoda

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    Hello, i Want too Sell this Beast One P-lvl 150 23 Gems with GodTier Legendcombos Fujitora+Doffy Croco+Fuj Ace + Boa with Inthawk as an univiversal supp that finds a spot in nearly every Team. Coranzon is there to Zombie Zero Stamina

    It include the Fitting RRs for Example Fuj+Doffy+Caesar+Diamante + Trebol (Fuji Dreamteam) 100% Clearrate
    Some of the Legends are Close to 3/4 Max skillups on Fuj!!!! Max Sockets on Jinbei and so one.
    6Stars=Fujitora Donflamingo Corazone Croco Ace Boa 6+ Inthawk Jinbei

    Not only the Legends are Sick also RRs are Godtier; Leo,Mansherry,Trebol,Haruto,Don Chin Jao,V2 Robin,TS Franky, Monet,Sugar,Koala,Kalifa, 3D2Y Sanji,G-5 Smoker,Garp,#,Diamante,Senior Pink,Intivankov

    Alot of units have sockets and skillups Including Invasion Shanks 6 Skillups!!!

    If u are lucky and Pull WB u can Evolve Him with Red WB skull, if u dont like a shoter boa and want her to become a fighter again (for Jinbei Team) no worrys there is also a Blue Skull.

    With Zephyr not avaible anymore.

    Only Selling not Tranind only via Paypal
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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